Barry’s Bristol Butt Buster 200

A challenging event with legendary catering that takes riders on an orbital route around Bristol before heading south to the Mendips and Somerset Levels.

Long Ashton, Bristol, | Sun 6th Apr 2025 @ 07:30

WHEN: +iCal
Sun 6th April 2025
07:30 - 21:38
Long Ashton Village Hall
5 Keedwell Hill
Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9DP
Barry's Bristol Butt Buster 200 1
Award Distance:
Total Distance:
AAA: 0.00
Rainbow Flat
Entry closes:
Barry's Bristol Butt Buster 200 3Enquiries

A challenging event with legendary catering that takes riders on an orbital route around Bristol before heading south to the Mendips and Somerset Levels.

Barry's Bristol Butt Buster 200 5

The Event formally known as the LVIS Audax.

The organisation of this classic cake fest randonnée has now passed to Audax Club Bristol.

The legend of Barry lives on!


Welcome in Spring with the Bristol Butt Buster!

Head through Ashton Court to cross Clifton Suspension Bridge and on into the Severn Valley with views of both Severn crossings before the WI at Hill supply the first cake extravaganza!

Climb the Cotswolds escarpment at Somerset Monument before back across Chipping Sodbury Common to The Golden Valley and Doynton’s WI cake stop.

Head south to scale the Mendips, descend Deer Leep with views across The Levels and espy the Tor as you head to Glastonbury.

Somerset Levels now provide a respite from the hills but perhaps not the wind as you wiggle between the end of the Mendips and on to Yatton and the wonderful Strawberry Line Cafe for your last control; they are a community project helping young adults with learning disabilities acquire skills in the catering industry. Finally into the Gordano Valley with one more climb left over to the Arrivee.


Cake, cake, cake and more cake!
Free drinks at the start, Doynton & finish.


Route notes and a variety of files/links will be available usually the Monday before the event.

The interactive map above is a guide, subject to change and not necessarily the final version. Toggle 'chart' for elevation & approx. slope %; now works in full screen too.

Type & Validation:
  • The route is advisory - you just have to visit the controls and gain proof of passage within time limits where specified; there may be parts that you'd like to take a different route and that is entirely up to you; the time limits for the controls don't change!
  • Validation: Instant - you get to take your validated brevet card home straight away at the end of the event.
Venue details:
Parking: tbc For full details see Long Ashton Village Hall
What others think.

Amazing cakes and a great cycle

27th March 2023

This was my second Barrys Bristol Bash and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s a great ride, lots of quiet lanes, beautiful views, some challenging hills and fantastic cake stops. This event is very friendly and everyone is so polite. See you next year!

Avatar for Martin

Like or loath* it? Let others know.
*Whilst I like to think I can affect the weather alas that is beyond my control...

Bookings close 04/04/25 or when full.

  • If you are U18 (or booking for an U18 rider) please contact me direct so I can provide the relevent form and enter manually.
  • This event is run in accordance with Audax UK's Regulations and is covered by their insurance.
  • Audax UK Temporary Membership @ £3.00 is required to participate if you aren't an Audax UK or CTC/CUK member; it will be added automatically if a membership number isn't provided.
  • Please make sure your AUK membership is up to date.
  • Once payment is completed you will receive an email from and will be redirected back to a page saying what happens next.
Ticket Type Price Spaces
Entry £10.00

Barry's Bristol Butt Buster 200 8
Eco Eco Mini 95% Recycled Super Strong Reuseable Bag, also at the start for £2 cash if available.
These are NOT 100% waterproof.

  • On the following Stripe payment page use the back arrow by Pedalution logo to delete your resrvation; you can then amend any details and PROCEED TO PAYMENT again.
  • Once payment is made the reservation becomes a booking.
  • You have 30mins to complete payment before this reservation is deleted (so if you get in a kerfuffle with incorrect details, payment issues etc walk away for an hour and try again).
  • If you haven't already entered an event on this site then an account will automatically be created when you PROCEED TO PAYMENT.
  • If you have already entered an event on this site then log in with that email.
  • You will receive a registration email to validate your email and create a password; this will be required to access further event information found on this page.
  • If you PROCEED TO PAYMENT then don't complete, or go back, you may encounter an error saying 'account already exists' or similar. Look for the password email to validate or use 'lost your password' found in the login area in the hamburger menu and footer across the site or the sidebar on event pages.
  • Information specific to this event and generic for the future will be stored in your account.
  • You may delete your account at any time but if you do so before the event you remove yourself from the entry list.

You are attending this event.

The following ride details are currently: CONFIRMED - all details have been updated. You will be notified by email of any last minute changes made here.

  • Please flick through the following tabs fully and make any preparations before the event.
  • Route files & links will be found under the 'Route' tab.
  • The event/route specific information will be finalised usually the Monday before the event and you will get an email reminder 3 days prior from - add it to your address book to save any disappointment.
  • Should you be unable to attend the event I have enabled cancellation from 'My Bookings'. This will aid me in keeping controls informed as to how many to expect and also reduce wastage when printing the brevet cards. Remember there is no option to refund or transfer if you are unable to attend.
  • You will receive your brevet card at the start. Should you start the ride and be unable to finish my phone number is within; please drop me a text with your full name to let me know you won't be finishing so volunteers and myself aren't waiting around longer than necessary at controls and the finish.
  • Please use 'Enquires' link above for any queries.

New to audax? Have a look at Audax UK's About for an overview & FAQs for commonly asked questions.

  • Until the route is finalised the interactive map above will give you an idea of where you are going.
  • It is advisable to study the route notes prior to the event for further details; especially if you are just using a GPX breadcrumb trail to navigate. These are also the 'cuesheet' within the RWGPS route; zoom the map to your desired level, click on a cue and it will focus the map at that cue.
  • Every effort is made to identify road closures before the event and provide alternatives where necessary; however I can not account for any emergency closures that are required.
  • A variety of surfaces may be encountered, some may be as smooth as a baby's bum, others potholed nightmares, or somewhere in between; if any unmetalled sections are used this will be noted in the Event Info above and now visible as 'unpaved' within RWGPS.
  • I do my utmost to select low traffic routes but there may be times busier sections are required.
  • Mudguards aren't mandatory but if you can fit them why wouldn't you?
  • I would always recommend a set of lights as you never know what could happen.
  • Similarly consider carrying 2 space blankets; they cost nothing, are tiny, and can keep you and an other warm should the unfortunate happen.


Points to note:

  • @4km | Exiting Ashton Court - The road SO is not part of the light operation. Use it at your own risk. The official pedestrian & bike crossing is to the right. Marshals will be present but they are for a visual warning to motorists; not to direct traffic or you.
  • @5km | Clifton Suspension Bridge - Narrow access on left of barriers.
  • @84km | MECHANIC - Gary Harris of Gary Harris Cycles will be at Doynton Village Hall for any spares that are needed and remedial work, tweaks, wheel truing etc.
  • @84km | MASSAGE - Jennifer Alice Holistics will be at Doynton Village Hall - Are you feeling tight from the long ride? Revitalize your muscles and enhance your performance with a 10-minute or 20 min Tui Na session (£10/20). Card Machine available. Tui Na is a Chinese style of massage done through clothes that targets those key muscle groups to keep you riding strong. Don't let muscle tension slow you down. To pre book a slot text 07714784472.
  • @144km | Glastonbury - !!Dismount!! for 100m through the pedestrian zone.

Route Files:

CSV route notes - these can be edited in any spreadsheet software.


PDF route notes - a version with maps is available in linked RWGPS route (no account necessary to use the official PDF - use 'More v') or the event.


GPX with control waypoints - if re-uploading to an online planner please make private so as not to confuse others in the future - use this tool to split at waypoints and/or simplify.

RWGPS Links:

RWGPS Event - at least a free account needed but you will get full premium features, including offline maps & voice nav for the app, regardless of your subscription level. To sync to your device (Wahoo, Garmin Edge) you need to join this first.


RWGPS Route - no account needed but you will lack a few advanced features such as early turn warnings.

See the RWGPS App for my tips to use your phone for navigation and maximising battery life.

  • Can't copy the RWGPS route to your account? I have disabled this so should any changes be necessary there is the one correct version.
  • I do not provide technical services for your device having never used anything other than the RWGPS app.
  • Can't add it to Garmin Connect? It isn't an activity. Transfer it to your Garmin via USB.
  • Can't send to your device? Join the RWGPS event.


The venue this year will be in the Club Room to the left of the car park.

Hot drinks available before and after along with more cake at the finish.

As numbers are high there will be 2 start waves at 07:30 & 08:00 to reduce the queues at controls for cake.

The Community Centre will be open from 06:45. Brevet cards can then be collected from inside; they will be laid out alphabetically on the tables. They fold in 3. Pick up your brevet wallet if you have purchased one, available on the day for £2 CASH. Some used ziplok bags will be available or use you own bag to save on the single use plastic; but do use a bag, the new cards are made of chocolate and will disintegrate at the slightest hint of moisture.


Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the depart time to collect your brevet card.

Long Ashton Village Hall - opens new tab for map.
5 Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9DP


  • Bike - tbc
  • Car - tbc
  • Train - tbc

On street near by - tbc

Food & Drink:
Food & Drinks available.
Unless specified otherwise above.



As above. - opens new tab for map & a few details.

Route Controls:


  • @0km | 07:30 | DEPART: LONG ASHTON - Community Centre
  • @40km | 08:50-10:10 | CONTROL: HILL - Village Hall on left | U-turn
  • @62km | INFO: SOMERSET MONUMENT - see brevet | U-turn
  • @84km | 10:18-13:06 | CONTROL: DOYNTON - Village Hall | MECHANIC
  • @122km | INFO: CHARTERHOUSE - see brevet
  • @144km | 12:18-17:06 | CONTROL: GLASTONBURY [FREE] - collect receipt
  • @170km | INFO: LOXTON - see brevet
  • @188km | 13:44-19:58 | CONTROL: YATTON - Strawberry Line Cafe
  • @204km | INFO: PORTBURY - see brevet
  • @212km | 14:34-21:38 | ARRIVEE: LONG ASHTON - Community Centre

The Strawberry Line Cafe @ Yatton will be staying open late especially for you. It is located on the platform of Yatton Station. They give young adults with learning disablilities the chance to gain skills in the catgering industry. They are fantastic being a welcomed control on my Moonrakers & Sunseekers 300, so even though close to the Arrivee please support them with a quick drink or cake.

Gary Harris of Gary Harris Cycles will be at Doynton Village Hall for any spares that are needed and remedial work, tweaks, wheel truing etc.

Also at Doynton will be Jennifer Alice Holistics - Are you feeling tight from the long ride? Revitalize your muscles and enhance your performance with a 10-minute or 20 min Tui Na session (£10/20). Card Machine available. Tui Na is a Chinese style of massage done through clothes that targets those key muscle groups to keep you riding strong. Don't let muscle tension slow you down. To pre book a slot text 07714784472.

This is what 'audax' is all about. Travelling between controls to collect proof of passage (PoP) to prove you have cycled the distance. The above controls are found in your brevet card, the route notes, as POIs with the route, and waypoints with the GPX. Your brevet card it to be filled out as you progress around the route. PoP is obtained in several ways. It is highly recommended you carry a pen or pencil to fill your brevet card as you go; if it is a long event numbering any receipts to correspond with the control number will save you time later, then keeping them in order is next level!

Types of control:
  • CONTROL - a place or venue where you obtain PoP which can be done in several ways. You will be able to get food and/or drink, also WC will be available.
    • Manned - a volunteer or venue member of staff will stamp your card providing PoP. All controls are thus unless specified as...
    • Free - you must obtain PoP from that place that has a time and date, usually a receipt from a cafe, shop or ATM.
  • INFO - a question found in your brevet card that is relevent to the location needs to be answered and recorded.
  • CHECKPOINT - similar to a control but there may not be any facilities present.
  • SECRET - now that would be telling wouldn't it!

I use the RWGPS app on my phone to navigate audax events by using spoken cues, I also use it to route check and proof my route notes. This IMHO is the best of all worlds. I don't need to look at a screen (but I can check if I want), I get clear directions when needed (you may need to get used to my shorthand which gets spoken as such), I get a warning if I'm off route, the battery lasts a lot longer than constantly using the screen; especially nowadays as phone batteries are getting bigger plus many are able to rapid charge in a short amount of time. All you need is a good case and mount for inclement weather.

  • Install the app.
  • Join the event.
  • Go to the route.
  • Send to device.
  • Open app and confirm download.
  • In settings (exact location varies depending on iOS or Android) to optomise for best battery use:
    • Logging - adjust interval: every 10s is best for the battery, logs your ride but won't get you any KOMs; every 1s uses 10x more battery power to write data but may get you a KOM if you pedal quick.
    • Navigation - Spoken alerts ON | Off-course alerts ON | others at your discretion.
    • Handlebar mode ENABLED - this will keep RWGPS above any screen lock so you can recall it if needed by pressing power button or similar.
    • Handlebar mode - Screen OFF for cues | Proximity Wake OFF (otherwise changes in light will turn the screen on) | Keep screen on NEVER.
    • Offline mode ENABLED - when you start riding.
  • Better still use flight/aeroplane mode whilst riding.
  • You can adjust the text-speech settings via your phone settings; the type of voice, playback speed etc.

Most of the battery drain on a phone is from the screen. By using voice commands you eliminate this but can still view the map if needs be. The second biggest drain whilst cycling is the phone itself searching for a signal as you move between cell towers; putting the phone into flight/aeroplane mode whilst moving solves this problem; you can easily turn data back on to #tag that #CAKE at the next stop!


Make sure battery optimisation is turned off otherwise Android will recognise RWGPS as an excessive battery drain and can limit its functionality. This will be particularily evident if you stop for a bit without GPS signal then continue; the app will appear to be functioning correctly but Android will limit it and data can be lost from the stop point until the app is restarted. There may be a similar feature in iOS.

  • Settings >Apps.
  • Find RWGPS and expand Advanced >Battery.
  • If it says optomised then select and wait for all apps to load.
  • Make sure the apps displayed are 'All apps', find RWGPS and select.
  • Select 'Don't optimise'. Exit settings.