WHEN: +iCal
Sun 29th May 2022 04:00 - 06:25 Sun 5th June 2022WHERE:
Bristol Cathedral College Green Bristol, BS1 5UYValidation: RM |
![]() |
Award Distance: 1600 |
Total Distance: 1639km |
Duration: 170h25 |
Speeds: 9.6-20kph |
Climb: 26288m |
AAA: 26.25 Apex Grimpeur |

PBP 2015: touring back with ACB talking about LEL the idea of Bristol Glasgow Bristol was born.
Back home I set about its backbone. Fettling ensued, then a test ride et voilà, one Big Gert Brevet!
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This RM event from Bristol is internationally recognised by Les Randonneurs Mondiaux and run in accordance with their regulations.
With the increased popularity in Paris Brest Paris this could be the ultimate event to bag the top of the queue for pre-qualification.
The route is mandatory meaning it must be followed in full from start to finish; if you leave the route for food, accommodation etc you must return to the route as soon as possible, small variations to use adjacent cycling infrastructure where available is allowed.
Also I’ve added a bit more climb so it is now just shy of 3x Everest.
You have 7 days & nights of cycling to complete the route to qualify for the 16 distance points. To be as inclusive as possible I’ve shoehorned some more climbing in, this in turn has tipped the rate of climb from the higher end of 15m/km into the lower end of 16m/km; under LRM rules this enables an extra 5% of time, thus +6h51. Also it is now just shy of 3x Everests 😀
If you would like the experience but not worried about the distance points then the Big Gert Brevet is spread over 14 days; it still qualifies for the AAA points, and if you’re audaciously audacious and have a crack on a fixed wheel bike the distance points will be valid for the fixed wheel challenge. If you enter either the randonneur or the brevet populaire event you may swap to the other up to a week before the event.
DIY variations of the route/dates are not permitted.
X-rated – in its purest form for this iteration; no sleep facilities, few dedicated controls, no bag drops!
Just you, a route, the open road, views galore and #wills_hills.
Self sufficiency is key!
Mandatory route – the route must be followed in its entirety for validation to be awarded. GPX submission of your ride can supplement main controls. Secret controls may be placed.
Staggered start times and groups – depending on any restrictions in place either may be undertaken. If there is a group of you please add those you want to ride with when booking; this should also be editable through your profile link after booking. Start times and groups will not be tiered for this event.
Terrain – for those unfamiliar with British hills be warned, they are not long Alpine affairs. More than likely you will end up walking a few of those included in this route.
Geography – there are places in remote and exposed locations. Be prepared with food provisions and clothing.
Various surfaces involved but primarily road including minor lanes, B roads, urban areas, the odd A road. Surfaces include forest tracks, peak trails, cobbled moor roads, shared paths, old railway lines as well as the usual potholed British roads…
Off Road Sections – to be embelished when I’ve checked the extras
To route check in 2021 I used 25mm Continental Gatorskins to show that it can be done on a road bike. I freely admit I walked parts of the off road sections. The following difficulty levels reflect my experience; if I was doing this route as an entrant I would have gone for larger tyres for comfort, even if there was no off road!
Pen Bwlch Llandillio & Allt y Badi – unmetalled.
Difficulty: tbc
Chester Millenium Greenway, Runcorn & Preston shared paths – metalled.
Difficulty: V. Easy.

Cam High Road – total unmetalled 14km – up is easier than down – time wise it was equal as to if it was one long climb.
Difficulty: Easy to begin, Hard to finish.
Good grade gravel to begin on the climb. I needed to walk the 2 steeper sections as I was unable to maintain traction with the rear wheel.
The top is interrupted with some beautiful tarmac as you are given unbridled panoramic views.
The literal highpoint of the ride and the descent sees larger stones on the path and rockbed in places. I descended most on the bike but having to shuffle from side to side to get the right line, utilising the sheep tracks on the grass and one leg counterbalancing in places.

The Crackpot Descent – unmetalled 1km.
Difficulty: Hard.
Larger stones and rockbed on the steep upper and lower section which were walked. Mid section used grass edges.
Hexham shared path – metalled other than dismount for level crossing.
Difficulty: V. Easy.
Kielder Forest – North Haul Road – total unmetalled 10km.
Difficulty: Easy.
Easy transition predominantly on well consolidated forest track, few looser section. Broken tarmac towards end. Average speed with no walking.

Galloway Forest – Southern Uplands Way becoming NCN7 – unmetalled 16km.
Difficulty: Easy, Medium on steeper descents.
Good grade gravel and consolidated. Looser on the ups and downs. Average speed, only walked on the final steep ascent up to the car park.

Glasgow Green – metalled.
Difficulty: V. Easy.
Glasgow exit – various roadside shared paths – metalled – from ~897-907km.
Difficulty: V. Easy.
Depending on time of day/traffic levels these shared paths may be more favourable especially where long term road upgrades are being undertaken leaving East Kilbride.
NCN 74 – heading south adjacent to M74 – metalled from ~939-987km.
Difficulty: V. Easy to Hard.
In places new road side segregated shared paths are a gem. The old road surface however…. keep some super glue handy for your fillings; in places the main carriage way is a better choice or can be equally as bad, road traffic extremely low. Hard because the surface can be energy sapping even though predominantly descending. The route diverts briefly for some respite.

Carlisle – Kingmoor Nature Reserves – unmetalled 2km.
Difficulty: Easy.
Good consolidated surface.
Forest of Bowland – Hornby Road/Salter Fell Road – unmetalled 12km – beginning easier than end – time wise it was equal as to if it was one long climb.
Difficulty: Easy to begin, Medium to end with the odd Hard spot.
Good grade gravel and consolidated to begin on the climb and top, walked a couple of short steeper parts where traction lost.
Surface changes to larger looser stones with rockbed, tricky and required walking in places.
Finally surface becomes a course sand in the ruts so the right line was needed making use of grass edges where possible.
Finally becomes patchy concrete/tarmac before rejoining the road.

Stratford-upon-Avon Greenway – unmetalled 8km.
Difficulty: Easy.
Good consolidated surface.
Cotswolds Byway – unmetalled 2.5km – ~1552km.
Difficulty: Easy.
Good grade gravel and consolidated to begin becoming grass track on descent. Good pace maintained. Bit rock by final gate.

Bristol to Bath Railway Path + Yate Extension – total unmetalled 2km.
Difficulty: Easy then V. Easy.
Good consolidated surface for first 2km becoming metalled.
Depart Bristol via The Downs to the Severn Bridge and into Wales. Take the path less travelled over the tops of hills all the way to the edge of Snowdonia then back over Berwyn; new for 2022. Back into England to pass through Chester. Cross the Mersey via the Silver Jubilee Bridge. Into Preston and out to the heart of the Forest of Bowland where the routes makes its first cross of the return. Traverse the Yorkshire Dales crossing the glorious but brutal Pennines to Barnard Castle; some old Roman Roads and tracks are involved, Ribblehead Viaduct viewed (if you want you can make a slight detour to pass under). North Pennines ensue, cross Hadrian’s Wall after Hexham before into Kielder Forest. Go the other side of Kielder Water to the Castle. Scotland! Cut west crossing the return again at Lochmaben then on to Clatteringshaws Loch, Loch Dee & Troon in Galloway Forest. Turn north once again through Ayrshire and into Glasgow.
Now back south you go. Over the Southern Uplands to Gretna and back into England. To the west of the Lake District then straight (up) over Harknott (to walk) and Wrynose Pass. Back to the Forest of Bowland for a bit of Roman. Steal up the Nick of Pendle. This year’s route will head around the north eastern side of the High Peak for some open moors and old mill towns to give you Hope. It is just out of reach but channel it as you descend the valley, for a bit, before jumping back into the Peaks for a tart taste? Then Derby and a respite to Stratford on Avon exiting on a peaceful old railway path. The Cotswolds are ahead. Yep, you guessed it, up and over, with some extra downs and ups for 2022 before finally dropping back to Bristol on another old railway path.
Other Stuff
I intend to get some caps and a jersey made, these will probably be available post event as I’m run off my feet at the mo. If I do get jerseys they will be numbered, the order in which anyone finishes will be your number, for life, regardless of randonneur, brevet populaire pace or out of time, or the allotted start time Don’t bother racing for #1, #2 or #3 though; #1 is me, #2 Vilas Silverton and #3 is held for a good friend who has made 2 attempts so far so I hope one day there is a 3rd time lucky. Also you will go on the Wall of Fame. **Still in progess for last year’s riders…
Any bags/kit to remain in Bristol can be left at mine the evening before the event.
Like or loath* it? Let others know.
*Whilst I like to think I can affect the weather alas that is beyond my control...What others think.
Beautiful and brutal
A wonderful ride – some of the roads and gravel sections are the best I’ve ridden, as stated below, a masterpiece.
But as Will explains, there are a LOT of hills. As a BP it would be a lovely tour, as an RM it is as tough as it gets. For anyone contemplating it, I suppose comparing to LEL is the best way – I was a 101hr LEL and a 167hr BGB (though carrying an injury). Remember how we all whinged about the St John’s Chapel climb in 2022? Well BGB felt like 1000 miles of that climb! But Oh, the views and descents were worth it!!
An experience I will always treasure and memories that will last a lifetime.
The ups and downs extreme audaxing
I had an amazing time suffering with type 2 fun, traveling the whole length of this ride.
Not for the faint-hearted, this ride is very hard in every way possible.
It’s a masterpiece in audax form.
Will has done a brilliant job creating the most challenging and spectacular ride, that takes in some of the hardest roads within the 3 countries that we traveled through.
If you like a challenge and 600km is not enough, take a look and consider it as your next big challenge.
Elite level audaxing
The UK’s toughest audax? Absolutely! One of the best experiences I’ve had on a bicycle? Definitely! Would I recommend it? 100%, but make sure you haven’t bitten off more than you can chew.
So good I entered for a second time despite DNF'ing the first attempt half way round
Relentless hills: beautiful views up every single one and left craving more bergs when on the relatively rainbow flat sections
From: https://bgb2022.blogspot.com/
See for all the photos.
The challenge – to ride from Bristol, to Glasgow, and back again, in under 14 days, organised by the infamous Will Pomeroy aka “Wills Hills”. Garmin proudly announced there were 125 climbs on our route. I can assure you it was nearer 1,250….
The route also included a number of sections of “gravel” just for added pleasure.
Total route 1700km, with 27,000m of climb – about 3.5 times up Everest. At times it felt like riding up Everest would have been the easier option.
I started this event last year, sadly a quite spectacular and somewhat traumatic dose of food poisoning put and end to it three days in. The trauma also seemingly deleted my memory of just how fecking hard this event was, and the relentless need to keep moving forward no matter how bad the suffering gets, I started it this year with memories of mooching along the lanes singing tra la la la la.
I’d aimed to do the course in ten days.
Stage one: Bristol to Newtown: South Wales misery: 164km, 3,000m of ascent
Well, at least the 3km to the start line were easy… The legs were fresh, and unlike last years torrential rain it was a lovely day, a relaxed first couple of hours of cruising along, over the bridge and into….. the misery of riding in South Wales…. sharp Up, sharp down, around the corner, sharp up, sharp down, repeat all day. Was it really this hard last year???
Stage two: Newtown to Chester: North Wales bonus savagery: 137km, 2,700m – including Wayfarer
Audaxes are meant to be audacious. Some riders even had the audacity to finish the ride last year, so Wills Hills dutifully responded from changing it in his words from “Hard” to “HardMAX” and today a right treat was in store for us, new to this years course – Wayfarers – a 12km section of “gravel” that seemed to take about 17 hours to complete – just utterly battering the bike and the body. Walking most of it, riding tiny sections. Sense of humour was still intact but man-o-man what a day. Battered by the end of the day. All sense of tra de la de la now firmly lost.
Some lovely memories of parts of north wales that I’ve ridden in many times before, including some special memories around lake Vyrnwy.
I take lots of photos when I’m in a happy place. North Wales is always a happy place for me – today lots of photos were taken, including the gem of a track over Wayfarers…
Stage three: Chester to Bainbridge: The awkward third date: Yorkshire “Gravel…” 170km, 2,500m – including Cam High Rd
Through Manchester / Liverpool suburbia and out into Ribble, the spiritual father of my bike (A Ribble) and past the scene of last years crime – the guilty party being a fish sandwich at the Ribblehead inn. More deeply joyous “Gravel” today – the Cam High Road which I’d ridden last year – last year I was very new to gravel and this section smashed me to pieces. This year, with a bit more experience, it smashed me to pieces… (just a tiny bit less).
I always find the third day on any trip especially hard, the body simply isn’t used to the constant battering and today, well, it all got a bit too much for me – I needed a bit of a lie down and a cry in a field for a bit. Everything hurt, and fatigue was coursing through the body. Today the hoped for 10 day adventure became “10-ish days…”. Realistically 10 days was achievable, but would have been utterly miserable, and whilst I’m happy to have misery on the bike that’s not where my mindset was for this trip. 9/10 suffering was fine, 10/10 misery was not.
Stage 4: Bainbridge to Kielder: Anyone for an eye test? 135km, 2,700m of climb.
Through Barnard Castle and past the infamous Specsavers. Barnard Castle was also as far as I got last year before things became “quite spectacular” with my food poisioning – its also now into parts of the country less known to me – the very remote northern parts of England – truly special places with so few visitors. My legs have officially left me now. This is going to be one long tough trip, with a long long way to go yet.
Breakfast of champions
Stage 5: Kielder to Galloway: Wind scale 11/10 148km, 1,830m climb.
One of the hardest and in parts most dangerous days I’ve had on a bike – at best a constant block 25 to 30mph headwind down in the valleys, and then climbing over the passes was truly scary – being blown across the road. I’m no stranger to crosswinds, and I’m used to managing issues like this out in hills and mountains but this was proper scary – many many miles from anywhere, unable to ride safely, and not really able to even walk with the bike. For at least an hour or so I was considering this as ride-ending, it just wasn’t safe – but mercifully once the hill was crested there was a bit more shelter, and slow progress was made.
Into Scotland at the beginning of the day, seems to have taken forever to get here, and still a long long way to go.
Stage 6: Galloway to Glasgow: Please make the wind stop… 145km, 2,100m of climb
Through Kielder forest – on actual proper gravel! Properly remote now, just no-one around apart from the millions of birds, sheep and vast swathes of destruction from storm Arwen. Yet another death march to start the day today, battering on into the same headwind to the very remote Glentrool, the most westerly part of the route and a merciful 90 degree turn north bringing some respite from the relentless hard work, finishing the day in Glasgow, the turn point of the trip.
Stage 7: Glasgow to Carlisle: Progress! 180km, 1,400m of climb
A mercifully easier day, with little puffs of tailwind, flying all the way back into England. Still a long way to go on this trip but felt so good to make so much distance in one day, and nice to spin the legs out too.
Stage 8: Carlisle to Lancaster: And…. Hardknott 162km, 2700m of climb
Hardknott and its evil twin sister Wrynose strike fear into even experienced cyclists. Its just nasty, really really nasty, at the best of times. Despite several attempts on a racing bike with no weight on fresh legs I’ve never got up it without stopping / walking a bit – After 1,200km, and on a fully laden adventure bike, its well, never going to happen. It didn’t happen for me anyway – it did happen for someone I was riding with, and a few tears were shed at the top – a truly astonishing performance.
Stage 9: Lancaster to Bakewell: 158km, 3,400m climb
I do love Bowland, it’s a really special part of the country – as pretty as the Dales, Moors but never really visited by tourists, so lovely and quiet and peaceful. It is however a bit of a pain in the ass to cycle through – one of those places where you feel like you will never escape….
Today also had the added delight of yet more “gravel” – the utterly unrideable Salters pass, yet again what felt like several hours of walking and misery, battering the bike and body. At least the views were good though….
Still feeling a long way from home, a bit of a quiet soldering on type of day.
Stage 10: Bakewell to Mickleton: Are we nearly home yet? 162km, 1,700m climb
A hard and frustrating start to the day, trying to escape the Dales, before finally coming out into the flatlands. Contemplation was briefly had at the through of pressing on into the night and finishing inside the initial 10 day target – but whilst the mind said yes, the body firmly said no – so so incredibly tired now.
Stage 10 (ish) Mickleton to Bristol: Please no more misery…. 110km, 1,700m climb
Just the Cotswolds to go now, way harder than they should have been. The mind wanted to be back in Bristol but the hills were once again relentless, taking several hours before finally escaping. Annoyingly I finally rediscovered my legs today, they had been awol since day three, and decided to finally feel perky again a week later, and only 5 hours before the end….. And the end, along with added bonus Bristolian hipster unicyclist, finally arrived.
Pretty to look at. Less pretty to ride through with 1,600km in your legs.
It was a truly wonderful adventure, full of animals, birds, remoteness, peace, block headwinds, savage “gravel”, special people, and Wills Hills whisky and pizza at the end. I’m truly deeply content with having done this as a 9/10 adventure rather than 10/10 misery – and I’m very tempted to do the more aggressive 7 day version of this next year. Humbling also is Andy, who went round the course in 5 days. Yes, half my time. And I ain’t no slouch…
Until next time – much love xx.
Bookings aren't available; either I haven't opened entry yet or if after 27/05/22 then they have closed.
You are attending this event.
The following ride details are currently: Pending - all specifics are usually updated the 5th day before the event.
- Please flick through the following tabs fully and make any preparations before the event.
- Route files & links will be found under the 'Route' tab.
- The event/route specific information will be finalised usually the Monday before the event and you will get an email reminder 3 days prior from bookings-noreply@pedalution.co.uk - add it to your address book to save any disappointment.
- Should you be unable to attend the event I have enabled cancellation from 'My Bookings'. This will aid me in keeping controls informed as to how many to expect and also reduce wastage when printing the brevet cards. Remember there is no option to refund or transfer if you are unable to attend.
- You will receive your brevet card at the start. Should you start the ride and be unable to finish my phone number is within; please drop me a text with your full name to let me know you won't be finishing so volunteers and myself aren't waiting around longer than necessary at controls and the finish.
- Please use 'Enquires' link above for any queries.
New to audax? Have a look at Audax UK's About for an overview & FAQs for commonly asked questions.
- Until the route is finalised the interactive map above will give you an idea of where you are going.
- It is advisable to study the route notes prior to the event for further details; especially if you are just using a GPX breadcrumb trail to navigate. These are also the 'cuesheet' within the RWGPS route; zoom the map to your desired level, click on a cue and it will focus the map at that cue.
- Every effort is made to identify road closures before the event and provide alternatives where necessary; however I can not account for any emergency closures that are required.
- A variety of surfaces may be encountered, some may be as smooth as a baby's bum, others potholed nightmares, or somewhere in between; if any unmetalled sections are used this will be noted in the Event Info above and now visible as 'unpaved' within RWGPS.
- I do my utmost to select low traffic routes but there may be times busier sections are required.
- Mudguards aren't mandatory but if you can fit them why wouldn't you?
- I would always recommend a set of lights as you never know what could happen.
- Similarly consider carrying 2 space blankets; they cost nothing, are tiny, and can keep you and an other warm should the unfortunate happen.
There are numerous obstacles on the route. Be aware at all times.The sections not on road I have marked on the RWGPS route.Make use of the time allowed rather than digging yourself into a holeRoute Files:
CSV route notes - these can be edited in any spreadsheet software.
PDF route notes - a version with maps is available in linked RWGPS route (no account necessary to use the official PDF - use 'More v') or the event.
GPX with control waypoints - if re-uploading to an online planner please make private so as not to confuse others in the future - use this tool to split at waypoints and/or simplify.
RWGPS Links:
RWGPS Event - at least a free account needed but you will get full premium features, including offline maps & voice nav for the app, regardless of your subscription level. To sync to your device (Wahoo, Garmin Edge) you need to join this first.
RWGPS Route - no account needed but you will lack a few advanced features such as early turn warnings.
See the RWGPS App for my tips to use your phone for navigation and maximising battery life.
- Can't copy the RWGPS route to your account? I have disabled this so should any changes be necessary there is the one correct version.
- I do not provide technical services for your device having never used anything other than the RWGPS app.
- Can't add it to Garmin Connect? It isn't an activity. Transfer it to your Garmin via USB.
- Can't send to your device? Join the RWGPS event.
Any luggage can be left at mine the night prior. Please contact me if you need a small bag taken from the start to be stored at mine.The finish is at mine, yes it is still a building site (anyone know any Bristol plasterers who will do just a small room?) For the BPs I will be back from lunch on Tuesday 31st; from then on drop me a bell at any time when you reach the outskirts of Bristol and I'll get the oven for the homemade pizza. If you arrive in the middle of the night I have floor space should you wish to crash using you own bedding.Start:
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the depart time to collect your brevet card.
Bristol Cathedral - opens new tab for map. College Green, Bristol, City of Bristol, BS1 5UY
- Bike -
- Car -
- Train -
Parking: No Parking -
Food & Drink: No refreshments. Unless specified otherwise above.
Mine, see route. - opens new tab for map & a few details.
Route Controls:
- C1 @ 96km | CONTROL: HAY ON WYE [FREE] | Su 14:00
- C2 @ 200km | CONTROL: ABERTRIDWR - Dafarn Newydd Stores | Mo 00:50
- C4 @ 326km | CONTROL: RUNCORN [FREE] | Mo 13:45
- C5 @ 412km | INFO: SLAIDBURN
- C6 @ 503km | CONTROL: BARNARD CASTLE [FREE] | Tu 08:17
- C7 @ 600km | INFO: FALSTONE
- C8 @ 689km | CONTROL: LOCHMABEN [FREE] | We 03:40
- C9 @ 777km | INFO: GLEN TROOL
- C10 @ 890km | CONTROL: GLASGOW [FREE] | Th 00:30
- C11 @ 934km | CONTROL: COALBURN [FREE] | Th 05:11
- C12 @ 1008km | CONTROL: LOCHMABEN [FREE] | Th 12:47
- C13 @ 1079km | INFO: CALDBECK
- C14 @ 1145km | INFO: ESKDALE GREEN
- C15 @ 1263km | INFO: NICK OF PENDLE
- C16 @ 1313km | CONTROL: SLAITHWAITE [FREE] | Fr 20:40
- C17 @ 1361km | CONTROL: BAMFORD [FREE] | Sa 01:33
- C18 @ 1427km | CONTROL: CHELLASTON [FREE] | Sa 08:32
- C19 @ 1490km | CONTROL: BASALL COMMON [FREE] | Sa 15:12
- C20 @ 1603km | INFO: BAGPATH
- ARRIVEE @ 1340km | 19 BERWICK RD, EASTON, BRISTOL | Su 06:25
- 0A @ 11km | Photo - Badgers Ln
- 0B @ 61km | Photo - Whitecastle sign
- 1A @ 154km | Photo - Plaque at car park entrance
- 1B @ 188km | Photo - Chapel gate
- 2A @ 221km | INFO - see brevet
- 3A @ 267km | Photo - World's End Farm Gate (IR camera in tree)
- 4A @ 365km | RECEIPT
- 4B @ 379km | Photo - Avenham Park noticeboard at exit
- 4C @ 396km | Photo - 25% sign
- 8A @ 711km | INFO - see brevet
- 8B @ 765km | Photo - Sustrans Marker
- 9A @ 835km | Photo - Stair Inn
- 9B @ 861km | RECEIPT
- 10A @ 915km | Photo - Farm Shop
- 12A @ 1029km | Photo - War memorial
- 13A @ 1110km | Photo -Sosgill
- 14B @ 1239km | Photo - Witches 400 monument
- 15A @ 1300km | Photo - Church Stile Inn
- 16A @ 1328km | Photo - Gatehead Methodist Ch
- 17A @ 1383km | Photo - George Hotel
- 19A @ 1517km | Photo - Bobby's Railway Carriage
- 19B @ 1563km | Photo - Aerial
- 19C @ 1582km | Photo - Murco Serv
- 20A @ 1612km | Photo - Fleece Inn
- 20B @ 1633km | Photo - Noticeboard on right
This is what 'audax' is all about. Travelling between controls to collect proof of passage (PoP) to prove you have cycled the distance. The above controls are found in your brevet card, the route notes, as POIs with the route, and waypoints with the GPX. Your brevet card it to be filled out as you progress around the route. PoP is obtained in several ways. It is highly recommended you carry a pen or pencil to fill your brevet card as you go; if it is a long event numbering any receipts to correspond with the control number will save you time later, then keeping them in order is next level!
Types of control:
- CONTROL - a place or venue where you obtain PoP which can be done in several ways. You will be able to get food and/or drink, also WC will be available.
- Manned - a volunteer or venue member of staff will stamp your card providing PoP. All controls are thus unless specified as...
- Free - you must obtain PoP from that place that has a time and date, usually a receipt from a cafe, shop or ATM.
- INFO - a question found in your brevet card that is relevent to the location needs to be answered and recorded.
- CHECKPOINT - similar to a control but there may not be any facilities present.
- SECRET - now that would be telling wouldn't it!
I use the RWGPS app on my phone to navigate audax events by using spoken cues, I also use it to route check and proof my route notes. This IMHO is the best of all worlds. I don't need to look at a screen (but I can check if I want), I get clear directions when needed (you may need to get used to my shorthand which gets spoken as such), I get a warning if I'm off route, the battery lasts a lot longer than constantly using the screen; especially nowadays as phone batteries are getting bigger plus many are able to rapid charge in a short amount of time. All you need is a good case and mount for inclement weather.
- Install the app.
- Join the event.
- Go to the route.
- Send to device.
- Open app and confirm download.
- In settings (exact location varies depending on iOS or Android) to optomise for best battery use:
- Logging - adjust interval: every 10s is best for the battery, logs your ride but won't get you any KOMs; every 1s uses 10x more battery power to write data but may get you a KOM if you pedal quick.
- Navigation - Spoken alerts ON | Off-course alerts ON | others at your discretion.
- Handlebar mode ENABLED - this will keep RWGPS above any screen lock so you can recall it if needed by pressing power button or similar.
- Handlebar mode - Screen OFF for cues | Proximity Wake OFF (otherwise changes in light will turn the screen on) | Keep screen on NEVER.
- Offline mode ENABLED - when you start riding.
- Better still use flight/aeroplane mode whilst riding.
- You can adjust the text-speech settings via your phone settings; the type of voice, playback speed etc.
Most of the battery drain on a phone is from the screen. By using voice commands you eliminate this but can still view the map if needs be. The second biggest drain whilst cycling is the phone itself searching for a signal as you move between cell towers; putting the phone into flight/aeroplane mode whilst moving solves this problem; you can easily turn data back on to #tag that #CAKE at the next stop!
Make sure battery optimisation is turned off otherwise Android will recognise RWGPS as an excessive battery drain and can limit its functionality. This will be particularily evident if you stop for a bit without GPS signal then continue; the app will appear to be functioning correctly but Android will limit it and data can be lost from the stop point until the app is restarted. There may be a similar feature in iOS.
- Settings >Apps.
- Find RWGPS and expand Advanced >Battery.
- If it says optomised then select and wait for all apps to load.
- Make sure the apps displayed are 'All apps', find RWGPS and select.
- Select 'Don't optimise'. Exit settings.