Protected: Summit ’bout Titterstone Clee 300

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GWRaudax | Summit 'bout Titterstone Clee 300 | BR
Summit 'bout Titterstone Clee 300 1

313 km⇉ & 3620 m⇈ | A fast ride with a handful of hills; one being Titterstone Clee, its trig point and radar stations.

Event Type: SportsEvent

Event Attendance Mode: OfflineEventAttendanceMode

Event Status: EventScheduled

Performer: Person

Performer Name: Great Western Randonnées

Performer URL:

Start Date: 2023-09-16 06:00

End Date: 2023-09-17 02:52

Ticket URL:

Entry Price: 10

Currency: GBP

Availability: InStock

Availability Starts: 2023-09-16T06:00:00

Editor's Rating: